Commercial Real Estate Investment, Second Edition

This book uniquely combines academic literature and practical experience to provide a straightforward and integrated view on global real estate investment for pension funds, other institutions and professionals, particularly in the UK.

Commercial Real Estate Investment, Second Edition

Andrew Baum,

EG Book



The book is divided into three sections. Part One describes the market, the industry and the investment vehicles available, as well as a performance history of UK real estate as an asset class. Part Two discusses the property investment process and the tools required to develop excellence in executing that process. Part Three provides material for debate about the likely changes over the short and medium term.

Designed for practitioners facing the tough global market challenges, this book provides a fascinating read for fund managers, investors, banking staff, property advisors and students.

* Author of high repute, both in academia and business
* Clearly written, accessible and completely revised for investors, managers, advisors and students
* Highly topical in today's challenging market conditions


Andrew Baum. Commercial Real Estate Investment, Second Edition. EG Book, 2009


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Commercial Real Estate Investment, Second Edition


  • Thứ Sáu, 11:43 13/05/2022