Consecutive Interpreting: A Short Course

Introduction; Presentation; Consecutive without notes; Analysis; Preparation and practice; Note-taking; noting less; Reformulation; Effort managemnet in consecutive; Advanced presentation; advanced analysis; advanced preparation; Protocol and praticalities; Digitally assisted consecutive

Consecutive Interpreting: A Short Course

Andrew Gillies




Consecutive Interpreting: A Short Course provides a step-by-step guide to consecutive interpreting. This user-friendly coursebook tackles key skills such as presentation, analysis, note-taking and reformulation, as well as advanced market-related skills such as preparation for assignments, protocol and practical tips for working interpreters. Each chapter provides examples of the skill, as well as a variety of exercises to learn the skill both in isolation and then in combination with other skills.Including model answers, a glossary of terms and further reading suggestions, this is the essential coursebook for all students of consecutive interpreting as well as for interpreter-trainers looking for innovative ways of teaching consecutive interpreting.

"This book is useful for both those who are studying interpreting as well as those who are in charge of interpreting education. ... As a guidebook for sequential interpreting based on the experience of sequential interpreting as of 2019, based on many years of experience, this book is very valuable and can be recommended."


Andrew Gillies. Consecutive Interpreting : A Short Course. Routledge, 2019.


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Consecutive Interpreting : A Short Course


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