Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists

Digital Signal Processing A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists is immensely practical and thorough book has been written for engineers and scientists in a wide variety of fields, with the goal of explaining DSP techniques while avoiding the barriers of abstract theory and detailed mathematics, enabling readers to put the powerful tools of DSP to work in their research and designs.

Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists

Steven W.Smith

Demystifying Technology Series



All techniques are explained through analogies, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. The math is included where it is needed, but it is not used as the primary means of conveying the information. The illustrations are profuse and help to support the text in creative ways. Numerous detailed applications examples from many fields bring the theory to life. The coverage is thorough, detailed, and enlightening.

The contents of the book include: Foundations: The breadth and depth of DSP; statistics, probability and noise; ADC and DAC; DSP software. Fundamentals: linear systems; convolution; properties of convolution; the discrete fourier transform; applications of the DFT; fourier transform properties; continuous signal processing. Digital filters: introduction to digital filters; moving average filters; windowed-sinc filters; FFT covolution; recursive filters; chebyshev filters; filter comparison... Applications: Audio processing; image formation and display; linear image processing; special imaging techniques; neural networks; data compression… Complex techniques: complex numbers; the complex fourier transform; the laplace transform; the z-transform.


Steven W.Smith. Digital Signal Processing A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists. Demystifying Technology Series, 2003.


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Digital Signal Processing A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists


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