Communicate in the workplace

This Guide has been designed to help you develop the skillsand knowledge required to achieve competence in this unit.To complete this unit successfully you need to follow theinstructions in this Learner’s Guide.

Communicate in the workplace

Australian National Training Authority

National WRAPS



This Guide has been designed to help you develop the skillsand knowledge required to achieve competence in this unit.To complete this unit successfully you need to follow theinstructions in this Learner’s Guide.Each Section of the Learner’s Guide will help you achieve oneof the required elements of competence.When you follow the Guide, Section by Section, you can keeptrack of the elements you have achieved.In each Section you are asked to learn a number of Steps.Make sure you fully complete each step before moving on tothe next. You will know that you are ready to move on whenyour coach/trainer is satisfied that you have completed theactivities correctly.LEARNING ACTIVITIESThere are a number of Learning Activities to help you developthe skills and knowledge required to achieve competence in thisunit. They may ask you to answer questions, discuss issues withyour coach/trainer or find additional information.Space is provided for written answers to activities, but pleaseuse additional pages if you need them.Some of the Learning Activities may ask you to check youranswers with your coach/trainer or to check them in theLearning Activities – Suggested Answers section at the back ofthis Guide.Follow the steps

. Section A: The Skills of Communication

. Section B: Communicating in a Retail Environment

. Section C: Good Telephone communication

. Section D: Working in Teams

. Section E: Reading and Interpreting retail documents

. Section F: Using numbers in the Workplace


Australian National Training Authority.Communicate in the workplace.National WRAPS, 2002.


Ngành NGÔN NGỮ ANH (7220201)

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Communicate in the workplace


  • Thứ Ba, 15:00 01/03/2022