New products management

Adopters of previous editions will notice that the format is slimmed down to 18 chapters. This streamlined presentation focuses on the topics that will be of most importance and interest to new product managers. Significant updates can be found throughout, and great pains have been taken to present the "best practices" of industry and relevancy to readers

New products management

C. Merle Crawford

McGraw Hill


Crawford's New Product Management 12e provides the management approach to teaching new products, with the perspective of marketing.

Adopters of previous editions will notice that the format is slimmed down to 18 chapters. This streamlined presentation focuses on the topics that will be of most importance and

interest to new product managers. Significant updates can be found throughout, and great pains have been taken to present the "best practices" of industry and relevancy to readers.

Past adopters of New Products Management will notice major changes in this edition.

While there are some changes in virtually every chapter, some of the most substantial

changes are as follows:

1.We have made major additions and updates to the cases to provide more plentiful

and more current examples. We retired several cases from the previous edition, wrote many new cases, and thoroughly updated many others. New cases for this edition include: Oculus Rift, Adidas Parley sustainable running shoes, Google Glass, Indiegogo, Tesla, Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, Corporate Social Responsibility at Starbucks, and many others. As always, we aim to offer a mix of high tech products and consumer products and services in the set of cases.

2.In addition, we have substantially updated examples throughout the text wherever possible.We try to make use of illustrative examples that will resonate with today’s students wherever possible. Of course, we welcome the reader’s comments and suggestions for improvement.

3.There continues to be much new research in new products, and we have tried to stay current on all of these topics. Readers will notice new or expanded coverage of portfolio management, value curve creation, the TRIZ method, crowd-sourcing, crowdfunding,observational research, open innovation, organizational structure, 3D modeling, beta testing, sustainable product development, and frugal innovation,among other topics.

4.We continue the practice of referencing Web sites of interest throughout the text,and we have added the web addresses for several useful YouTube videos and other resources.


C. Merle Crawford. New products management. McGraw Hill, 2003


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New products management


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