Extending professional contributions

Includes research articles on English teaching and learning activities. Analyze some English teaching methods, practice English speaking skills, and communicate with foreigners.

Extending professional contributions

Tim Murphey




Includes research articles on English teaching and learning activities. Analyze some English teaching methods, practice English speaking skills, and communicate with foreigners.

The contents of the book include 12 chapters

+ Chapter 1: Long-distance collaboration

+ Chapter 2: The 'dead hand' project

+ Chapter 3: Professional development throgh student

+ Chapter 4: Fostering graduate school teacher

+ Chapter 5: Pulp fiction? the research journal

+ Chapter 6: How would PhD feel after your name?

+ Chapter 7: Net gains

+ Chapter 8: Growing with the flow

+ Chapter 9: Get real! Authentic assessment in graduate level tesol programs

+ Chapter 10: Thais that bind

+ Chapter 11: Starting a local teacher study group

+ Chapter 12: Creating publishing communities


Tim Murphey. Extending professional contributions. Alexandria, 2003.


Bộ sưu tập Lĩnh vực Ngoại ngữ

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