Decision support and business intelligence systems

Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 8e provides the only comprehensive, up-to-date guide to today's revolutionary management support system technologies

Decision support and business intelligence systems

Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen

Prentice Hall



Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 8e provides the only comprehensive, up-to-date guide to today's revolutionary management support system technologies, and showcases how they can be used for better decision-making.

This completely revised and re-titled edition incorporates the expanded coverage of Business Intelligence and reflects the emphasis that most decision support courses are now taking.


Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen. Decision support and business intelligence systems. Prentice Hall, 2011


Ngành Quản trị kinh doanh (7340101)

Ngành Quản trị nhân lực (7340404)

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Decision support and business intelligence systems


  • Thứ Năm, 12:48 12/05/2022