Risk Management and Financial Institutions

Risk Management and Financial Institutions, explains all aspects of financial risk and financial institution regulation, helping you better understand the financial markets—and their potential dangers.

Risk Management and Financial Institutions

John C. Hull




Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fifth Edition explains all aspects of financial risk and financial institution regulation, helping you better understand the financial markets—and their potential dangers. Inside, you’ll learn the different types of risk, how and where they appear in different types of institutions, and how the regulatory structure of each institution affects risk management practices. Comprehensive ancillary materials include software, practice questions, and all necessary teaching supplements, facilitating more complete understanding and providing an ultimate learning resource.

All financial professionals need to understand and quantify the risks associated with their decisions. This book provides a complete guide to risk management with the most up to date information.

• Understand how risk affects different types of financial institutions

• Learn the different types of risk and how they are managed

• Study the most current regulatory issues that deal with risk

• Get the help you need, whether you’re a student or a professional

Risk management has become increasingly important in recent years and a deep understanding is essential for anyone working in the finance industry; today, risk management is part of everyone's job. For complete information and comprehensive coverage of the latest industry issues and practices, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fifth Edition is an informative, authoritative guide.

The contents of the book include:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Part 1: Financial institutions and their trading

Chapter 2: Banks

Chapter 3: Insurance Companies and pension plans

Chapter 4: Mutual Funds, ETFs and Hedge Funds

Chapter 5: Trading in Financial Markets

Chapter 6: The Credit Crisis of 2007-2008

Chapter 7: Valuation and Scenario analysis: The risk-neutral real words

Part 2: Market risk

Chapter 8: How traders manage their risks

Chapter 9: Interest rate risk

Chapter 10: Volatility

Chapter 11: Correlations and copulas

Chapter 12: Value at risk and expected shortfall

Chapter 13: Historical simulation and extreme value theory

Chapter 14: Model-building approach

Part 3: Regulation

Chapter 15: Basel I, Basel II and solvency II

Chapter 16: Basel II.5 , Basel III and Other post – crisis changes

Chapter 17: Regulation of the OTC derivatives market

Chapter 18: Fundamental Review of the trading book

Part 4: Credit risk

Chapter 19: Estimating default probabilities

Chapter 20: CVA and DVA

Chapter 21:Credit value at risk

Part 5: Other topics

Chapter 22: Scenario analysis and stress testing

Chapter 23: Operational risk

Chapter 24: Liquidity risk

Chapter 25: Model risk management

Chapter 26: Economic capital and raroc

Chapter 27: Enterprise risk management

Chapter 28: Fiancial innovation

Chapter 29: Risk management mistakes to avoid


John C. Hull, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Wiley, 2018.


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Risk Management and Financial Institutions


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