Prepare for IELTS the IELTS preparation course
The manifest purpose of a preparation course for a specific test is to give stu-dents the background knowledge and practice materials in the prescribed for-mat to enable them to obtain acceptable scores on the test itseli The author ofthis course has fulfilled this requirement admirably, with clear and appropriateexplanations of what is expected of the students, along with practical exercisesthat guide students to the achievement of their goals
The manifest purpose of a preparation course for a specific test is to give stu-dents the background knowledge and practice materials in the prescribed for-mat to enable them to obtain acceptable scores on the test itseli The author ofthis course has fulfilled this requirement admirably, with clear and appropriateexplanations of what is expected of the students, along with practical exercises that guide students to the achievement of their goals. A very important charac-teristic of these materials is that they are interesting. Boredom will not cloudstudents' minds, causing loss of effectiveness due to inattention.The comprehensive coverage of various forms of the language, with American, British, and Australian sources, makes this text, like the IELTS test for which it isdesigned, usable in all English-speaking countries, as well as for all studentsaround the globe, regardless of the form of English that their previous study hasstressed.Perhaps the greatest value of this text is to be found in its teaching potential.Many test preparation materials, designed for various university entrance ex-aminations, accomplish nothing beyond acquainting students with the form ofthe test and various techniques for producing correct answers. Courses whichprepare students solely to 'get around' a placement test do them a great dis-service, leaving them unable to cope with their university courses. The IELTSPreparation Course does much more than train students in test-taking strate-gies: it teaches language. Anyone satisfactorily completing this course musthave gained knowledge of form and technique for the test by learning the lan-guage and skills that are required, not by learning the 'tricks of the trade' fortaking a specific test. They will have the knowledge of and skills in the languagewhich will be essential after they are enrolled.
Penny Cameron. Prepare for IELTS the IELTS preparation course. Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2000.
Thứ Sáu, 14:54 27/05/2022
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