Language Curriculum Design. ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series

Language Curriculum Design: An Overview; Environment Analysis; Needs Analysis; Principles; Goals, Content amd Sequencing; Approaches to Curriculum Design; Negotiated Syllabuses; Adoping and Adapting and Existing Course Book; Introducing Change; Planning an In-Service Course; Teaching and Curriculum Design

Language Curriculum Design. ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series

Nation, I.S.P., John Macaliste




Language Curriculum DesignCrystal-clear and comprehensive yet concise, this text describes the stepsinvolved in the curriculum design process, elaborates and justifies these stepsand provides opportunities for practising and applying them. The descrip-tion of the steps is done at a general level so that they can be applied in a widerange of particular circumstances. The process comes to life through plentifulexamples of actual applications of the steps. Each chapter includes:

• Descriptions of examples from the authors’ experience and from pub-lished research

• Tasks that encourage readers to relate the steps to their own experience

• Case studies and suggestions for further reading that put readers in touchwith others’ experience

Curriculum, or course, design is largely a “how-to-do-it” activity thatinvolves the integration of knowledge from many of the areas in the field ofApplied Linguistics, such as language acquisition research, teaching method-ology, assessment, language description and materials production. Combin-ing sound research/theory with state-of-the-art practice, Language CurriculumDesign is widely applicable for ESL/EFL language education courses aroundthe world.


Nation, I.S.P., John Macalister. Language Curriculum Design. ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series. Routledge, 2010.



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 Language Curriculum Design. ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series


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