Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition
Cognitive Linguistics (CL) is an approach to the study of language informed byboth linguistics and psychology. It describes how language interfaces with cogni-tion, and how it adapts in the course of language usage, phylogenetically in lan-guage evolution, ontogenetically in language acquisition, and moment-to-momentin situated, on-line language processing and performance. Second LanguageAcquisition (SLA) involves the study of the cognitive representations and mech-anisms of second language processing, their time-course of acquisition, and,where possible and feasible, their relevance to instruction.The Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition bringsthese two areas of theory and research together
Cognitive Linguistics (CL) is an approach to the study of language informed byboth linguistics and psychology. It describes how language interfaces with cogni-tion, and how it adapts in the course of language usage, phylogenetically in lan-guage evolution, ontogenetically in language acquisition, and moment-to-momentin situated, on-line language processing and performance. Second LanguageAcquisition (SLA) involves the study of the cognitive representations and mech-anisms of second language processing, their time-course of acquisition, and,where possible and feasible, their relevance to instruction.The Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition bringsthese two areas of theory and research together. It provides in nine chaptersmaking up Part II, “Cognitive Linguistics and cognition,” up-to-date coverage oftheoretical and empirical issues in the rapidly developing domain of CL research.The nine chapters in Part III, “Cognitive Linguistics, Second Language Acquisi-tion, and L2 instruction” demonstrate the relevance of these basic CL concepts,and theoretical frameworks for researching them, to the fields of SLA andlanguage pedagogy. The chapters are written by acknowledged experts in the fieldsof psychology, linguistics, and SLA, and an extensive agenda for future researchlinking them is proposed both in individual chapters and in synthesis in the finalchapter. This handbook, thus, provides a new appreciation of the relationshipsbetween cognitive theory, first and second language acquisition research, and theirpedagogic applications.
Peter Robinson, Nick C. Ellis. Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. Routledge, 2008.
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