English Language Teaching Today – Linking Theory and Practice

This introductory chapter provides a broad overview of the edited volume by describing the rationales, aims, theoretical underpinnings and organization of the book. The chapter first presents key changes that have had a major imparct on the way English is used and learned by geographically diverse groups of people in the world today. It then outlines a set of research – based principles that could be used as a basic for critically examining our curriculum, for designing our lessons for the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, writing anf other language skills and for developing tasks and activities that meet the linguistic, cognitive and affective needs of our students. The last part of the chapter provides a brief synopsis of each of the 20 chapters.

English Language Teaching Today – Linking Theory and Practice

Willy A.Renandya




This introductory chapter provides a broad overview of the edited volume by describing the rationales, aims, theoretical underpinnings and organization of the book. The chapter first presents key changes that have had a major imparct on the way English is used and learned by geographically diverse groups of people in the world today. It then outlines a set of research – based principles that could be used as a basic for critically examining our curriculum, for designing our lessons for the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, writing anf other language skills and for developing tasks and activities that meet the linguistic, cognitive and affective needs of our students. The last part of the chapter provides a brief synopsis of each of the 20 chapters.


Part I: Theories, Research and Principles

English Language Teaching Today: An Introduction

Student – Centred Learning in ELT

Using Local Language in English Language Classrooms

Applying Language Learning Princips to Coursebooks

Current Issues in the Development of Materials for Learners of English s an International Language

Assessment in ELT

Part II: Pedagogical Practices

Extensive Reading and Listening in the L2 Classroom

Teaching L2 Listening: In and Outside the Classroom

Teaching Reading anf Viewing to L2 Learners

Teaching Speaking

Teaching English for Intercultural Spoken Communication

Teaching Writing

Teaching Academic Writing in Context


Willy A.Renandya. English Language Teaching Today – Linking Theory and Practice. Springer, 2016.



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 English Language Teaching Today – Linking Theory and Practice


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