Electric Circuits

You learn the basics of electric circuits with common design practices and simulations as the book presents clear step-by-step examples, practical exercises, and problems.

Electric Circuits

James S Kang

Cengage Learning



Master the fundamentals of electric circuits with Kang - ELECTRIC CIRCUITS. You learn the basics of electric circuits with common design practices and simulations as the book presents clear step-by-step examples, practical exercises, and problems.

Each chapter includes several examples and problems related to circuit design with answers for odd-numbered questions so you can further prepare yourself with self-guided study and practice. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS covers everything from DC circuits and AC circuits to Laplace transformed circuits. MATLAB scripts for certain examples give you an alternate method to solve circuit problems, check answers, and reduce laborious derivations and calculations.

This edition also provides PSpice and Simulink examples to demonstrate electric circuit simulations.

Introduction to Voltage, current, power and sources; circuit laws; ciircuit analysis methods; circuit theorems; operational amplifier circuits; capacitors and inductors; RC and RL circuits; RLC Circuits; Phasors and impedances; analysis of phasor - transformed circuit; AC power; Three-Phase Systems; Magnetically Coupled circuits; The laplace transform; Circuit Analysis in the s-Domain; first-and second-oder analof filters


James S Kang, Electric Circuits, Cengage Learning, 2018



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Electrics circuits


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