Beginning Perl

This book introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who are looking to learn a new language. In the tradition of the popular Wrox Beginning guides, it presents step-by-step guidance in getting started, a host of try-it-out exercises, real-world examples, and everything necessary for a Perl novice to start programming with confidence.

Beginning Perl

Curtis “Ovid” Poe

John Wiley & Sons



This book introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who are looking to learn a new language. In the tradition of the popular Wrox Beginning guides, it presents step-by-step guidance in getting started, a host of try-it-out exercises, real-world examples, and everything necessary for a Perl novice to start programming with confidence.

The content of the book includes: What is Perl; Understanding the CPAN; Variables; Working with data; Control flow; References; Subroutines; Regular expressions; Files and directories; Sort, map and grep; Packages and modules; Object oriented Perl; Moose; Testing; The interwebs; Databases; Plays well with others; Common tasks; The next steps.


Curtis “Ovid” Poe. Beginning Perl. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.


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