Leadership in Organizations (7th Edition)
Leadership in Organizations provides a balance of theory and practice as it surveys the major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in formal organizations.
Leadership in Organizations provides a balance of theory and practice as it surveys the major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in formal organizations.
As the subtitle indicates, Lussier's Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building employs a workbook-type approach
Filled with case studies from firms such as GT Automotive, GE Healthcare China, Vale, Dominos, Swiss Re Americas Division, and Polar Bank
Heneman's and Judge's Staffing Organizations, 9e, is based on a comprehensive staffing model.
What makes an effective leader? This book discusses theories of leadership and provides practical advice for business leaders.
Why is change so hard? Because in order to make any transformation successful, you must change more than just the structure and operations of an organization—you need to change people’s behavior. And that is never easy
Develop the qualities of strategic leadership and become an active contributor to the short- and long-term success of your organization.
Provides information on directory & programs of national conservation associations, national wildlife organizations, and phone numbers & contact addresses
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