Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections
Cuốn sách truy cập mở này thuộc nhánh Lịch sử Kinh doanh và Kinh tế Hàng hải của bộ sách Nghiên cứu Palgrave về Kinh tế Hàng hải
Cuốn sách truy cập mở này thuộc nhánh Lịch sử Kinh doanh và Kinh tế Hàng hải của bộ sách Nghiên cứu Palgrave về Kinh tế Hàng hải
This first edition text examines the remarkable histories of the societies and peoples who fostered Eurasian trade and communication in the almost two millennia before 1500 C.E.
Understanding body language enhances our communication skills, which leads to a decrease in conflicts. Body language plays an important role in interpersonal communication, as well as the communication that advances our careers.
Business Communication: Making Connections in a Digital World, 11/e by Lesikar, Flatley, and Rentz provides both student and instructor with all the tools needed to navigate through the complexity of the modern business communication environment.
This completely revised accounting program gives students the latest content and introduces the most exciting technology¿all designed to connect accounting to the real world of business. Students will be introduced to the real world of accounting software through the integration of Peachtree throughout the text as an essential part of this program. Software tutorial directions are included at the point of instruction for each application. Optional Glencoe Integrated Accounting software with templates is also available.
Accounting: Real World Applications and Connections, First Year: Teachers Wraparound Edition (Glencoe Accounting:) ASIN: 0078460972
Business Management: Real-World Applications and Connections gives students an understanding of the way business works. It develops their technical knowledge and competence. Classroom experience is enhanced through a blend of text, visual presentation, and interactive multimedia resources.
The book introduces some advanced knowledge about the accounting cycle; accounting for assets, liabilities and capital; business information; accountants in various business organizations; special accounting system; accounting for business decisions.
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