Applied Electromechanical Devices and Machines for Electric Mobility Solutions

Trong cuốn sách này, các nhà khoa học đa ngành có trình độ cao trình bày nghiên cứu gần đây của họ được thúc đẩy bởi tầm quan trọng của các thiết bị và máy móc cơ điện ứng dụng đối với các giải pháp di chuyển bằng điện.

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Applied decision support with soft computing

Soft computing has provided sophisticated methodologies for the development of intelligent decision support systems

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Applied groundwater modeling second edition

This second edition is extensively revised throughout with expanded discussion of modeling fundamentals and coverage of advances in model calibration and uncertainty analysis that are revolutionizing the science of groundwater modeling

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应用语言学- 研究方法与论文写作 = Applied Linguistcs: Research Methods and Thesis Writing


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The Cambridge Introduction to Applied Linguistics

Written by a global team, this up-to-date introduction to applied linguistics helps students learn what it's like to do applied linguistics, and not just read about theoretical concepts. First, it provides frameworks for understanding both the shared characteristics of work in applied linguistics and the diversity of topics and analyses.

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Applied Exercises On Practical English Grammar 1

Quyển Applied Exercises On Practical English Grammar 1 được biên soạn để dùng kèm với sách Practical English Grammar phần bài học nhằm giúp các học sinh hiện đang theo học các lớp tiếng Anh trong các trường trung học phổ thông và các sinh viên thuộc các trường đại học không chuyên hoặc chuyên ngành ngoại ngữ.

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Applied linear statistical models

Applied Linear Statistical Models 5e is the long established leading authoritative text and reference on statistical modeling, analysis of variance, and the design of experiments

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Introducing Applied Linguistics: Concepts and Skills

Introducing Applied Linguistics provides in-depth coverage of key areas in the subject, as well as introducing the essential study skills needed for academic success in the field.

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Language Curriculum Design. ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series

Language Curriculum Design: An Overview; Environment Analysis; Needs Analysis; Principles; Goals, Content amd Sequencing; Approaches to Curriculum Design; Negotiated Syllabuses; Adoping and Adapting and Existing Course Book; Introducing Change; Planning an In-Service Course; Teaching and Curriculum Design

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The Routledge handbook of research methods in applied linguistics

The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics is key reading for both experienced and novice researchers in Applied Linguistics as well as anyone undertaking study in this area.

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