Pronunciation: Study book English for academic study

Pronunciation is for students who need to communicate clearly and effectively in an academic environment in the medium of English. The aim of the course is to help students develop their pronunciation in English to a level that enables the listener to understand them with ease. The course provides students with structured patterns of English that will lead them step-by-step towards this goal. During the course, students will also learn the phonemic alphabet; this will remain a useful aid to accurate pronunciation throughout their sudies.

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The Pronunciation of English : A Course Book

This revised second edition provides an introduction to the phonetics and phonology of English. It incorporates all central aspects of research in the phonology of English and involves the reader at every step, with over 80 exercises leading students to discover facts, to formulate general statements, and to apply concepts.

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Focus on Pronunciation 1 Third Edition

The new edition of Focus on Pronunciation 3 gives high-intermediate to advanced students the tools, tips, and techniques they need to speak clearly, accurately, and fluently. All aspects of pronunciation are included-consonants, vowels, stress,rhythm, and intonation. The variety of activities and flexible, accessible style make learning fun.

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How to Teach Pronunciation

How to Teach Pronunciation is a book that aims to help teachers gain theoretical knowledge and validate and extend what they already know. It also suggests many ideas, skills, and practical activities for the classroom. The book shows teachers how to integrate pronunciation work with grammar and vocabulary processing to help students appreciate its relevance and importance for successful communication.

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现代汉语语音教程 = A course for mandarin Chinese pronunciation


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English Pronunciation made simple

Introduction to: Vowels: Pronuncing the Vowels of American English; contrast and Review...Stress, Rhythm and intonation: Introducing Stress, Rhythm and Intonation; Stress Within the Word; Stress Within the Sentence; Rhythm; Intonation. Consonants: Pronouncing the Consonants of American English

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Focus on Pronunciation 1 (Third Edition)

Vowels: Vowel Overview. Consonants: Consonant Overview; word Endings: Plurals and present Tense; word endingsL Past tense; consonant Groups. Stress, Rhythm and Intonation: Stress, Rhythm and Intonation Overview; strong Stress and Secondary Stress In Words; Weak Syllables in Words; stress in compound Nouns and Numbers; Strong words and Weak Works in Sentences...

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English Pronunciation in use. Intermediate

“English Pronunciation in Use Elementary” is a book that lays the groundwork, builds a solid foundation in starting to learn English, includes 50 basic lessons. The single sounds that anyone starting to learn must master before they want to speak English fluently

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The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book

"The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book" Provides extensive treatment of rhythm, stress, and intonation and the role of these prosodic elements in discourse. And Includes more than 80 exercises with feedback and glossary of technical terms. Incorporates developments in phonology since the first edition appeared.

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