Chindia : How China and India are revolutionizing global business
The best minds at BusinessWeek explore ways your company can survive-and thrive-amid the business growth and innovation of China and India
The best minds at BusinessWeek explore ways your company can survive-and thrive-amid the business growth and innovation of China and India
"Khanna has written an objective and insightful comparison of China and India. His analysis of Indian developments is particularly outstanding, because it is based on his firsthand experiences in India. But he does not hold back in his praise of Chinese successes. The result is a very fair-minded report on the two Asian giants."-- Foreign Affairs
Quyển sách chuyên khảo Mối quan hệ Văn hóa Đông Sơn với các nền văn hóa thời đại Kim Khí ở Nam Trung Quốc của PGS. TS. Trình Năng Chung là một công trình rất công phu, đã cập nhật và hệ thống hóa các tư liệu mới nhất các kết quả nghiên cứu về Văn hóa Đông Sơn ở Việt Nam
China’s meteoric rise to economic powerhouse might be charted with dams. Every river in the country has been tapped to power exploding cities and factories—every river but one. Running through one of the richest natural areas in the world, the Nujiang’s raging waters were on the verge of being dammed when a 2004 government moratorium halted construction. Might the Chinese dragon bow to the "Angry River"? Would Beijing put local people and their land ahead of power and profit? Could this remote region actually become a model for sustainable growth?
This report recognizes China's growing importance as a key player in the global economy
Copyright © 2018 Hanoi University of Industry.