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Programming with STM32: Getting Started with the Nucleo Board and C/C++

Written by an experienced electronics hobbyist and author, Programming with STM32: Getting Started with the Nucleo Board and C/C++ features start-to-finish projects that clearly demonstrate each technique.

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Discovering the STM32 Microcontroller

This book is intended as a hands-on manual for learning how to design systems using the STM32 F1 family of micro-controllers. It was written to support a junior-level computer science course at Indiana University.

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Beginning STM32: Developing with FreeRTOS libopencm3 and GCC

Using FreeRTOS and libopencm3 instead of the Arduino software environment, this book will help you develop multi-tasking applications that go beyond Arduino norms. In addition to the usual peripherals found in the typical Arduino device, the STM32 device includes a USB controller, RTC (Real Time Clock), DMA (Direct Memory Access controller), CAN bus and more.

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