The Quest

The Quest is an Elementary Level Macmillan Readers book written by Mandy Loader. Mark Blackburn and John Morgan are marine archaeologists and when they meet a fisherman who has found some valuable items they become very excited to investigate further. However, things change when they find the fisherman dead the next day.

The Quest

Mandy Loader




The Quest is the name of Mark Blackburn's boat. Mark, a marine archaeologist is joined by John Morgan in his search for wrecks of sixteenth century Chinese trading-ships submerged deep in the sea off the Gulf of Thailand. When a local fisherman brings a piece of rare porcelain to his boat, Mark is thrilled and can hardly wait to go to the place where the fisherman has netted the extremely valuable artifact. But John and Mark's enthusiasm turns to horror when they find the fisherman drowned the very next day.


Mandy Loader, The Quest, MacMillan, 2005.


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  • Thứ Ba, 09:16 16/08/2022