Study guide for use with princiles of macroeconomics second edition

Each chapter parallels closely the content of the corresponding chapter in my text Principles of Macroeconomics, seventh edition. In order to give comprehensive and varied coverage, a six pronged approach has been developed

Study guide for use with princiles of macroeconomics second edition

William Robert H. Frank

Mc Graw Hill



Each chapter parallels closely the content of the corresponding chapter in my text Principles of Macroeconomics, seventh edition. In order to give comprehensive and varied coverage, a six pronged approach has been developed:

1. Chapter Profiles provide an outline of each chapter, and Behavioral Objectives highlight the major concepts to be learned.

2. Case Studies show how the chapter's principles and concepts can be applied to major issues of public and private policy.

3. Limbering-up exercises in the form of Matching Questions and Completion Questions open the way to systematic review.

4. The numerous True-False and Multiple-Choice questions can be used for self-tests.

5. Discussion and Extension Questions provide stimulation for classroom discussions.

6. Short cases in the form of Problems simulate real-world situations and require you to work with actual data in tabular and diagrammatic form, thus demonstrating how to apply economic reasoning in the course of daily life.


Robert H. Frank. Study guide for use with princiles of macroeconomics second edition. Mc Graw Hill, 2008


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Study guide for use with princiles of macroeconomics second edition


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