Reasoning & writing well: A Rhtorie, research guide, reader, and handbook fourth edition

This modes-based reader/rhetoric/handbook offers students a comprehensive and student friendly approach to the writing process that emphasizes critical thinking as the key to successful college writing.

Reasoning & writing well: A Rhtorie, research guide, reader, and handbook fourth edition

Betty Mattix Dietsch

Mc Graw - Hill



The book of this comprehensive, convenient, and highly accessible guide offers thorough and easy-to-use computer and Internet coverage and retains the friendly but purposeful tone of its successful first edition. It provides extensive study aids, an abundance of activities for both individual and group work, lists of suggested topics for writing, and numerous student models, including complete student papers.

Table of contents:


Part 1: The context of Writing process

Part 2: Revision Workshop: Rethinking the Draft

Part 3: Options for Organization

Part 4: Strategies for Critical Thinking, Evaluation, and Argument

Part 5: Reading Strategies and Responses to Literature

Part 6: Suraival Guide: Preparing for Exams, Oral Presentation

Part 7: A Research Guide for Writers

THE READER: A reader for writers

THE HANDBOOK: A Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, Mechanics, and Usage


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning & writing well: A Rhtorie, research guide, reader, and handbook fourth edition. Mc Graw - Hill, 2006


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Reasoning & writing well: A Rhtorie, research guide, reader, and handbook fourth edition


  • Thứ Ba, 10:28 28/03/2023