Linux essentials

The book Linux Essentials provides a solid foundation of knowledge for anyone considering a career in information technology, for anyone new to the Linux operating system, and for anyone who is preparing to sit for the Linux Essentials Exam.

Linux essentials

Bresnahan, Christine




The book Linux Essentials provides a solid foundation of knowledge for anyone considering a career in information technology, for anyone new to the Linux operating system, and for anyone who is preparing to sit for the Linux Essentials Exam. Through this engaging resource, you can access key information in a learning-by-doing style. Hands-on tutorials and end-of-chapter exercises and review questions lead you in both learning and applying new information information that will help you achieve your goals! With the experience provided in this compelling reference, you can sit down for the Linux Essentials Exam with confidence.

The contents of the book include 15 chapters:

+ Chapter 1 Selecting an Operating System

+ Chapter 2 Understanding Software Licensing

+ Chapter 5 Managing Hardware

+ Chapter 6 Getting to Know the Command Line

+ Chapter 7 Managing Files

+ Chapter 8 Searching, Extracting, and Archiving Data

+ Chapter 9 Exploring Processes and Process Data

+ Chapter 10 Editing Files

+ Chapter 11 Creating Scripts

+ Chapter 12 Understanding Basic Security

+ Chapter 13 Creating Users and Groups

+ Chapter 14 Setting Ownership and Permissions

+ Chapter 15 Managing Network Connections


Bresnahan, Christine. Linux essentials, Sybex, 2015.


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  • Thứ Hai, 11:25 28/11/2022