Civil law & litigation for paralegals

Civil Law & Litigation for Paralegals provides the student with an in-depth analysis of the wide variety of civil cases, laying out the basic foundation of the American legal system, proceeding through the investigation and implementation of a civil case, and following the case through to appeal

Civil law & litigation for paralegals

Neal R. Bevans




Civil Law & Litigation for Paralegals provides the student with an in-depth analysis of the wide variety of civil cases, laying out the basic foundation of the American legal system, proceeding through the investigation and implementation of a civil case, and following the case through to appeal. It not only teaches the basics of civil litigation, but also gives students the chance to build a skill set and create material for a portfolio that can be used for prospective employers.


Neal R. Bevans. Civil law & litigation for paralegals, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008



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Civil law & litigation for paralegals


  • Thứ Năm, 14:09 25/08/2022