Capital budgeting Sandeep Goel

Capital budgeting is important because it determines the long-term economic and financial returns of any investment project. It sets out the future success of a business. Capital budgeting aims to develop not only an understanding of capital budgeting concepts but also to provide its practical application to help students learn both theory and practice of capital budgeting used. in the financial management of a business organization.

Capital budgeting Sandeep Goel

John A. Doukas

Business Expert Press



Capital budgeting is an important part of the financial management of a business organization. This is a process that traders use to evaluate an investment project. The decision to accept or reject an investment project is a capital budgeting decision.

Capital budgeting is important because it determines the long-term economic and financial returns of any investment project. It sets out the future success of a business.

Capital budgeting aims to develop not only an understanding of capital budgeting concepts but also to provide its practical application to help students learn both theory and practice of capital budgeting used. in the financial management of a business organization. It analyzes capital budgeting practices of corporate enterprises in India in different sectors, on a comparative basis, in order to provide readers with a deeper insight into other issues and challenges. related to capital budget management.

Financial management is one of the most important areas of any organization. Capital budgeting is the foundation of the financial management process and therefore needs to be consistent not only in terms of the overall but also in terms of the performance of each department as possible. With this in mind, this book has been written to discuss the concept and process of capital budgeting in a business organization. It discusses capital budgeting techniques for investment appraisal and their utility in practice. It also evaluates capital budgeting practices of corporate enterprises in India in different sectors on a case-by-case basis to help the reader better appreciate the various issues and challenges related to capital investment decisions.

The goal of the book is not only to develop an understanding of capital budgeting concepts, but to help students use it as an effective tool for communicating, monitoring, analyzing, and allocating resources. It is hoped that it will provide a complete knowledge base in capital budgeting and provide direction for academic and business fraternities to deal effectively with financial problems and challenges. major emerging in this topic.

The contents of the book include:

Section 1: Introduction

+ Chapter 1: The essence of financial management

Section 2: Capital Budget Decision & Appraisal

+ Chapter 2: Capital Budgeting: Nature & Scope

+ Chapter 3: Feasibility of project

+ Chapter 4: Project Management Techniques

+ Chapter 5: Society -Cost-benefit analysis

Section 3: Managing the Capital Budget

+ Chapter 6: The Time Value of Money

+ Chapter 7: Determining Cash

+ Chapter 8: Capital budgeting methods

+ Chapter 9: Capital Risk Analysis Budgeting

+ Chapter 10: Capital budgeting by capital ratio

Section 4: Sponsorship decisions

+ Chapter 11: Cost of

Section 5: International Perspectives

+ Chapter 12: Capital Budgeting for Multinational Enterprises

+ Chapter 13: Auditing After Completing Capital Budgeting

+ Chapter 14: Capital investment issues and challenges

Section 6: Case studies

+ Chapter 15: Capital Budgeting Practices of Reliance Industries Ltd

+ Chapter 16: Capital Budgeting of Indian PSUs

+ Chapter 17: Capital Investment Practices of the Oil and Gas Industry in India


John A. Doukas, Capital budgeting Sandeep Goel, Business Expert Press, 2015


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Capital budgeting Sandeep Goel


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