Sách bài tập kiểm toán hoạt động

Sách bài tập được  biên soạn để sinh  viên và học  viên cao học đào sâu và rèn luyện  các  kiến  thức  và  kỹ  năng  cùa  môn  học  Kiểm  toán  hoạt động.  Kết  cấu  mỗi  chương  trong Sàch  bài  tập Kiểm  toán  hoạt động thường  bao gồm câu hỏi  tự  luận,  câu hỏi  trả lời đúng hay sai và giải thích, câu hỏi lựa chọn, bài tập tình huống.

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Java in 60 Minutes a Day

Get up and running with Java in no time using this innovative virtual classroom approach!

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Hướng dẫn bảo lãnh tín dụng chiến lược kinh doanh huy động vốn vay và cho vay theo kinh tế thị trường

Cuốn sách  sẽ giúp lãnh đạo các ngân hàng, tổ chức tín dụng, công ty tài chính và các nhà quản lý doanh nghiệp tìm hiểu, sử dụng, thực hiện đúng chính sách pháp luật

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Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs

The Great Writing series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Each book contains a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of writing.Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs introduces the process of paragraph development and teaches how to generate ideas and write within a variety of rhetorical patterns.

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Objective Pet: Teacher's book Cambridge

Objective PET Second edition is a completely updated and revised edition of the best-selling Objective PET course. This edition includes great new features, including brand new 'Corpus spots' alerting students to common mistakes by PET candidates. This Teacher's Book offers complete support with time-saving ideas, regular progress tests, and a bank of supplementary photocopiable material.

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Technical English Course book

Technical English: Course Book This course has been designed for learners who will be using English in a scientific or engineering environment. Technical English introduces the vocabulary necessary to communicate and understand basic technical concepts in fields such as algebra, geometry, chemistry and physics. Each unit presents vocabulary related to a specific technical area, and reviews one relevant grammar point that will help students to express themselves with confidence. The approach taken in this course is direct and concise, and you will be encouraged to work both independently and with others on an extensive range of activities, all of which are geared towards making you more proficient in the technical language you will need to be successful in further study.

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Speaking extra: A resource book of multi - level skill activities

This lively resource book encourages students to expand their speaking skills using role play, problem solving, puzzles, games, interviews, storytelling and discussion. Many of the speaking activities are supported by the accompanying audio CD and the recording script section at the back of the resource book.

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Listening extra: A resource book of multi - level skills activities

his book provides original and stimulating listening practice across a range of levels and topics. Ideal to supplement any coursebook, these activities are designed around authentic scenarios and help students develop specific listening skills, such as listening for details, identifying emotions or listening for opinions. The activities are suitable for A2-B2 level students and can be flexibly used in mixed ability as well as mixed level classes. Spiral binding maximises the longevity of the book and an accompanying Audio CD is available for purchase.

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Introducing Phonetics and Phonology. Fourth Edition

Intended for the absolute beginner, Introducing Phonetics and Phonology requires no previous background in linguistics, phonetics or phonology. Starting with a grounding in phonetics and phonological theory, the book provides a base from which more advanced treatments may be approached.

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Tourism Management 6th edition

One of the leading texts in the field, Tourism Management is the ideal introduction to the fundamentals of tourism as you study for a degree, diploma or single module in the subject with a global focus.

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