Open Textbook Library: Thư viện sách giáo khoa mở Đại học Minnesota (University of Minnesota), Hoa Kỳ

Đây là Thư viện sách giáo khoa mở cung cấp hơn 1200 sách giáo khoa mở với nhiều chuyên ngành khác nhau như: Khoa học máy tính; Giáo dục; Kinh tế; Kỹ thuật; Khoa học tự nhiên; Khoa học xã hội; Báo chí, truyền thông; Sức khỏe, Y tế; Luật; Toán học... Bạn đọc có thể đọc online hoặc download file pdf về máy tính cá nhân đọc offline.

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Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices

Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security, introduces the reader to the compelling and evolving field of cryptography and network security. In an age of viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud on a global scale, security is paramount. The purpose of this book is to provide a practical survey of both the principles and practice of cryptography and network security.

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Data Communications & Computer Network

The book providing essential information for business managers, computer programmers, system designers, as well as home computer users, DATABASE COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS, 8th edition provides a thorough introduction that includes coverage of the language of computer networks as well as the effects of data communications on business and society

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Big Data Analytics for Sensor-Network Collected Intelligence

Big Data Analytics for Sensor-Network Collected Intelligence explores state-of-the-art methods for using advanced ICT technologies to perform intelligent analysis on sensor collected data. The book shows how to develop systems that automatically detect natural and human-made events, how to examine people’s behaviors, and how to unobtrusively provide better services.

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Neural network design 2nd edition

This book, by the authors of the Neural Network Toolbox for MATLAB, provides a clear and detailed coverage of fundamental neural network architectures and learning rules. In it, the authors emphasize a coherent presentation of the principal neural networks, methods for training them and their applications to practical problems

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中級1 本冊 CD付 =Trung cấp 1 cuốn sách kèm CD


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Tài nguyên truy cập mở Digital Commons Network

Với Digital Commons Network, bạn sẽ được truy cập hơn 4 triệu tài liệu từ 695 trường đại học, viện nghiên cứu trên thế giới, đặc biệt là tất cả đều là toàn văn và mở, bạn đọc sẽ không phải trả bất kỳ khoản phí nào để tiếp cận với nội dung đầy đủ của tài liệu.

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Network + Certification bible

A basic introduction to the communication medium used and the different types of topologies used in information networks. The protocols and standards used on the network. Install network operating systems on servers and workstations. Network support solution.

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The IP Multimedia subsystem (IMS): Session control and other network operations

The book provides knowledge about IMS multimedia module. Standards and protocols for transferring wired and wireless networks to IMS. Features of IMS. Manage SIP protocol, and network security.

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Data Communications and network security

Data Communications and Network Security comprehensively introduces students to the technology and management of data communications. This includes both wired and wireless technology as well as comprehensive coverage of network security, helping both the organization and the individual create and maintain a data-safe environment. The book's unique organization allows the material to be presented in a variety of ways, making the book a strong match to any teaching approach.

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