Energy Saving, Storage and Carbon Emission Mitigation Application for Buildings
Building decarbonization is now becoming a prerequisite for achieving the Paris Agreement objectives and many UN Sustainable Development Goals
Building decarbonization is now becoming a prerequisite for achieving the Paris Agreement objectives and many UN Sustainable Development Goals
The global transition toward a renewable energy-centric energy matrix represents a focal point of interest for the international community in the pursuit of mitigating environmental pollution and combating climate change
This Reprint covers a wide range of essential areas, including green hydrogen solutions, renewable energy resources, sustainable solutions, energy generation, efficiency
The global electric car fleet exceeded 7 million battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in 2019, and will continue to increase in the future, as electrification is an important means of decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions of the transportation sector.
Currently, water and energy are among the world biggest challenges. All countries working on increasing industries and searching for progress need energy
This reprint is a collection of research that contributes to a better understanding of energy transfer related to alternative vehicles
The electric vehicle revival reflects negotiations between public policy, which promotes clean, fuel-efficient vehicles, and the auto industry, which promotes high-performance vehicles. Electric cars were once as numerous as internal combustion engine cars before all but vanishing from American roads around World War I.
This book should be of interest to students of technology
Concerns about energy security affect economic performance and political stability all over the world. Yet nowhere is this issue more critical than in Asia and the Pacific.
In this century, it is believed that crude oil and petrolem products will become very scarce and costly. Day-to-day, fuel economy of engines is getting improved and will continue to improve. However, enormous increase in number of vehicles has started dictating the demand for fuel. Gasoline and diesel will become scarce and most costly in the future. With increased use and the depletion of fossil fuels, alternative fuel technology will become more common in the coming decades.
Copyright © 2018 Hanoi University of Industry.