Thư viện Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội tham gia chương trình "LibTalk 2024: Digital Transformation in Academic Libraries - Chuyển đổi số trong thư viện học thuật"

Trong hai ngày 17/06/2024 và 21/06/2024, Thư viện Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội tham dự chương trình "Libtalk 2024 - Digital Transformation in Academic Libraries = Chuyển đổi số trong thư viện học thuật". Chương trình do Thư viện Trường Đại học Tôn Đức Thắng phối hợp với Thư viện Trường Đại học Chulalongkorn (Thái Lan) tổ chức.

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Bài giảng Điều khiển số Digital control systems

Lý thuyết điều khiển ra đời từ rất sớm với kỹ thuạt điều khiển liên tục làm nền tảng. Hệ thống điều khiển số là hệ thống điều khiển xử lý tín hiệu – quá trình một cách rời rạc dưới sự hỗ trợ của máy tính số.

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Hotel pricing in a social word Driving value in the digital economy

Hotel Pricing in a Social World: How to Drive Value in the New Hotel Economy is an insightful resource that provides guidance on improving organizational decision making to keep your hotel relevant, from a pricing standpoint, in the often chaotic hotel landscape. This groundbreaking book clearly showcases the current environment of the hotel industry, and describes new and emerging trends that can impact your revenue management tactics. This essential text prepares you to survive and thrive in today's highly competitive market, and outlines the best approach to building profitable pricing strategies that follow both tactical and strategic best practices

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What’s Your Digital Business Model? Six questions to help you build the next-generation enterprise

A new book by Peter Weill and Stephanie Woerner will challenge the thinking of CIOs and CEOs equally.

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Digital system design with FPGA : Implementation using verilog and VHDL

This practical guide explores the development and deployment of FPGA-based digital systems using the two most popular hardware description languages, Verilog and VHDL.

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Digital communication systems

In a Digital Communication System, the messages generated by the source which are generally in analog form are converted to digital format and then transmitted. At the receiver end, the received digital data is converted back to analog form, which is an approximation of the original message

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PIC Microcontroller Projects in C: Basic to Advanced

Extensively revised and updated to encompass the latest developments in the PIC 18FXXX series, this book demonstrates how to develop a range of microcontroller applications through a project-based approach.

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Digital fundamentals

For courses in digital circuits, digital systems (including design and analysis), digital fundamentals, digital logic, and introduction to computers

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Exploding Data:Reclaiming out cyber security in the digital age

The most dangerous threat we―individually and as a society and country―face today is no longer military, but rather the increasingly pervasive exposure of our personal information; nothing undermines our freedom more than losing control of information about ourselves. And yet, as daily events underscore, we are ever more vulnerable to cyber-attack.

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Leading Digital: Turning Technology Into Business Transformation

If you think the phrase “going digital” is only relevant for industries like tech, media, and entertainment—think again. In fact, mobile, analytics, social media, sensors, and cloud computing have already fundamentally changed the entire business landscape as we know it—including your industry. The problem is that most accounts of digital in business focus on Silicon Valley stars and tech start-ups. But what about the other 90-plus percent of the economy?

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