E-Cigarettes and the Comparative Politics of Harm Reduction: History, Evidence, and Policy

Cuốn sách này lập luận rằng mỗi quốc gia định hình việc sử dụng nicotine lâu dài một cách khác nhau và ưu tiên sức khỏe của các nhóm khác nhau trong cộng đồng người hút thuốc hoặc không hút thuốc, dựa trên bối cảnh rộng lớn về các phản ứng quốc gia đối với chứng nghiện. Bằng cách sử dụng phương pháp so sánh này, các tác giả khám phá mối quan hệ giữa lịch sử, bằng chứng và chính sách về y tế công cộng một cách rộng rãi hơn.

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Politics and the Urban Frontier: Transformation and Divergence in Late Urbanizing East Africa

Thông qua việc tập trung vào đầu tư cơ sở hạ tầng, cảnh quan bất động sản đô thị, nền kinh tế thương mại cấp phố và phản đối chính trị đô thị, tác phẩm cung cấp phân tích đa thang đo, có cơ sở lịch sử và liên ngành về những chuyển đổi đô thị đang diễn ra trong lò luyện đô thị năng động nhất thế giới.

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Constitutional law and politics, Vol.1: Struggles for power and governmental accountability

The most cases to choose from, with the contextual headnotes students need to make sense of―and engage with―American constitutional law and politics.

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Cases in comparative politics

Cases in Comparative Politics , Third Edition, is a set of thirteen country studies that describe politics in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, China, India, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, and Nigeria.

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HBR guide to office politics Rise above rivalry avoid power game build better relations ships

Don't let destructive drama sideline your career. Every organization has its share of political drama: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. But you need to work productively with your colleagues--even difficult ones--for the good of your organization and your career. How can you do that without compromising your personal values? By acknowledging that power dynamics and unwritten rules exist--and navigating them constructively

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Essentials of comparative politics

The #1 book for the course, professors and students love Essentials of Comparative Politics because it provides clear, concise coverage of core concepts for a low price. The Sixth Edition applies core concepts to current events such as Brexit and the role of groups like ISIS.

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HBR Guide to Office Politics

The HBR Guide to Office Politics will help you succeed at work without being a power grabber or a corporate climber. Instead you'll cultivate a political strategy that's authentic to you

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Civil society in Syria and Iran : Activism in authoritarian contexts

Rich with information and analysis on the various aspects and effects of authoritarianism in Syria and Iran.... Indispensable and highly recommended for those who study the Middle East and follow the literature on authoritarianism in general

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A more perfect union

Providing students with the tools they need to think critically about their government, A More Perfect Union offers a powerful formula for inquiry and analysis

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Global Politics in the Human Interest

Gurtov (political science and international studies, Portland State U.) presents a textbook on international politics that is "for those who believe in critical reflection and who are open to emerging ideas about human, environmental, and common security." Largely a synthesis of the specialist literature, the text contains seven chapters that provide an overview of contemporary world affairs; critically examine the realist perspective and corporate globalism in theory and practice; present Gurtov's position of global humanism; explore issues of human rights, environmental decline, and underdevelopment; examine Sino-American relations; and discuss the roles of Europe, Russia, and Japan in a multipolar world.

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