Graphene Production and Application

Graphene là một vật liệu siêu mỏng và bền có tiềm năng cách mạng hóa lĩnh vực công nghệ. Do đó, graphene đang nhanh chóng thu hút sự chú ý của các nhà nghiên cứu đang tìm cách xác định các khái niệm và ứng dụng mới của siêu vật liệu này.

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Application of Titanium Dioxide

Titan dioxit chủ yếu được sử dụng làm chất màu và chất xúc tác quang. Có thể tìm thấy nó trong thực phẩm, mỹ phẩm, vật liệu xây dựng, thiết bị điện và các sản phẩm khác.

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Pesticides: Agronomic Application and Environmental Impact

Pesticides - Agronomic Application and Environmental Impact là một tác phẩm có tính chất khai sáng, điều hướng sự cân bằng tinh tế giữa vai trò không thể thiếu của thuốc trừ sâu trong nền nông nghiệp hiện đại và nhu cầu cấp thiết về bảo vệ môi trường.

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Energy Saving, Storage and Carbon Emission Mitigation Application for Buildings

Building decarbonization is now becoming a prerequisite for achieving the Paris Agreement objectives and many UN Sustainable Development Goals

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Application of Data-Driven Method for HVAC System

This reprint, entitled “Application of data-driven method for HVAC System”, is dedicated to providing an overview of the latest achievements in the application of data-driven methods for HVAC systems

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The Application of Green Solvents in Separation Processes

The Application of Green Solvents in Separation Processes features a logical progression of a wide range of topics and methods, beginning with an overview of green solvents, covering everything from water and organic solvents, to ionic liquids, switchable solvents, eutectic mixtures, supercritical fluids, gas-expanded solvents, and more.

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Professional Android 2 Application Development

Android is a powerful, flexible, open source platform for mobile devices and its popularity is growing at an unprecedented pace. This update to the bestselling first edition dives in to cover the exciting new features of the latest release of the Android mobile platform.

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Extending Symfony 2 Web Application Framework

If you have a good understanding of how Symfony works and are now trying to integrate complex tasks in your application, or want to better organize your application by keeping each piece of code where it belongs so it can be decoupled and easily used elsewhere, then this book is for you.

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Management: Skills and application - 11th Edition

Skills and Application, 11e" is a short, value-priced paperback, which presents the fundamentals of management principles to undergraduate students

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Beginning adobe air: Building application for the adobe integrated runtime

The book Beginning adobe air Building application for the adobe integrated runtime is the book for you. After introducing you to AIR, Adobe expert Rich Tretola discusses the different programming languages and tools you can use for development. He presents multiple methods for storing data, including within the file system and embedded database as well as storage on remote servers. This guide is a perfect mix of tutorials and hands-on coding, and provides the resources you need to build AIR applications quickly.

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