Macroeconomics: Principles, problems, and policies sevent teenth edition
Hướng dẫn nghiên cứu về kinh tế học và kinh tế vĩ mô; Hệ thống thị trường, các khu vực kinh tế quốc doanh và tư nhân;
Hướng dẫn nghiên cứu về kinh tế học và kinh tế vĩ mô; Hệ thống thị trường, các khu vực kinh tế quốc doanh và tư nhân;
McConnell and Brue’s Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies is the leading Principles of Economics textbook because it is innovative and teaches students in a clear, unbiased way
Presents principles of macroeconomics. This title offers a fully-integrated software system called DiscoverEcon with Paul Solman Videos
Throughout DiscoverEcon you will notice expanded exercises, interactive graphs, and tutorials.
Economists, political scientists, and others engaged with development report on their efforts to build governments that can collect taxes and provide services, and the results of their efforts in such war-torn places as Uganda
McConnell and Brue Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies is the leading Principles of Economics textbook because it is innovative and teaches students in a clear, unbiased way.
McConnell-Brue's Principles of Microeconomics, 15 is the best-selling textbook and has been teaching students in a clear, unbiased way for 40 years
McConnell, Brue, and Flynn’s Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies is the #1 Principles of Economics textbook in the world. It continues to be innovative while teaching students in a clear, unbiased way
Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies is a textbook that is an integrated learning system for schoolchildren and students enrolled in economic specialties.
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