Electric Vehicle Efficient Power and Propulsion Systems

Vehicle electrification has been identified as one of the main technology trends in this second decade of the 21st century. Nearly 10% of global car sales in 2021 were electric, and this figure would be 50% by 2030 to reduce the oil import dependency and transport emissions in line with countries’ climate goals

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Performance and Safety Enhancement Strategies in Vehicle Dynamics and Ground Contac

Recent trends in vehicle engineering are testament to the great efforts that scientists and industries have made to seek solutions to enhance both the performance and safety of vehicular systems.

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Build your own electric vehicle

Thoroughly revised and expanded, Build Your Own Electric Vehicle, Third Edition, is your go-to guide for converting an internal combustion engine vehicle to electric or building an EV from the ground up. You'll also find out about the wide variety of EVs available for purchase and how they're being built

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Electric vehicle technology explained

Explaining the underpinning science and technology, this book is essential for practicing electrical, automotive, power, control and instrumentation engineers working in EV research and development. It is also a valuable reference for academics and students in automotive, mechanical, power and electrical engineering.

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Introduction to Self - Driving Vehicle Technology

This book aims to teach the core concepts that make Self-driving vehicles (SDVs) possible. It is aimed at people who want to get their teeth into self-driving vehicle technology, by providing genuine technical insights where other books just skim the surface

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Vehicle Dynamics and Control

Vehicle Dynamics and Control is intended to serve as a useful resource to researchers who work on the development of such control systems, both in the automotive industry and at universities. The book can also serve as a textbook for a graduate level course on Vehicle Dynamics and Control.

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Hybrid electric vehicle system modeling and control

Contents introduction to basic components of hybrid electric vehicle

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Thermal Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Systems

This book provides the reader with the necessary information to develop a capable battery TMS that can keep the cells operating within the ideal operating temperature ranges and uniformities, while minimizing the associated energy consumption, cost and environmental impact. The procedures used are explained step-by-step, and generic and widely used parameters are utilized as much as possible to enable the reader to incorporate the conducted analyses to the systems they are working on. Also included are comprehensive thermodynamic modelling and analyses of TMSs as well as databanks of component costs and environmental impacts, which can be useful for providing new ideas on improving vehicle designs.

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Electric and Plugin Hybrid Vehicle Networks

The book also introduces new and interesting control problems that are becoming prevalent in the EV-PHEV's context, as well as identifying some open questions

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Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics

The book Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics introduces the basic mechanics governing vehicle performance, and familiarizes the reader with analytical methods and terminology. This book attempts to find a middle ground by balancing engineering principles and equations of use to every automotive engineer with practical explanations of the mechanics involved.

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